Halloween 2015


Let it go, let it go…

Happy Halloween, internet! Or day after, whatever.

Being that Halloween is one of my favourite days of the year, if not my absolute favourite (the proof is in the proverbial pudding, as seen on last year’s monstrous post), what would 2015 be without a post celebrating this most spooky day?

This year, my costume thoughts went through some serious changes, and I didn’t have an absolute idea until a few weeks before Halloween itself. First, I wanted to be Team Rocket, because my partner’s name is James and why would I not pass that up. Then, after I got him watching a bit of Doctor Who, he suggested we be the Doctor and Rose (both of which we’re absolutely doing at some point). But when we found out he would be at work for Halloween, I was stumped. My friend Lexi was potentially going as Lana Cane from Archer, so it was an idea that I would be coke-addicted Pam from the same show. It would be a fun character, but not much of a costume, especially after last year’s epic toast to nerddom.

weeping angel
Weeping Angel, from Halloween 2014

So, when the Archer costumes were not coming together as planned, and as I got elbow-deep in playing the Legend of Zelda again since James and I got an N64 and I found Ocarina of Time, I decided I should do something from that, as an homage to my favourite childhood game. For whatever reason, I skipped the idea of being Zelda or Saria or like character entirely, and went straight for the jugular:

I should be the Great Fairy.

image from http://zeldawiki.org
image from http://zeldawiki.org

You may be wondering about the picture of me as Elsa heading the post. That was my costume for work, since, you’ll note, the Great Fairy is pretty much naked. Unlike Halloweens past, I wasn’t working at the bookstore this year, but in the deli of a health food grocery store. Different levels of appropriate, there, especially working in the deli. But being Elsa was still fun; a lady called me Elsa, and another was so excited and wished her daughters were there to see. I made a Disney-loving coworker cry and beg for pictures with me. So it was great.

But after work, the real fun began.





With Lexi’s help, I glued fake ivy and leaves to two sets of nude shapewear, and altered a Poison Ivy wig (if and when I reuse this in the future, I’ll be getting a better wig for it; this was the best I could find on short notice). Unlike last year’s glorious craftsmanship, this was super easy to do, and probably took six hours total to complete.

But it was so much fun 😀

How was everyone else’s Halloween? What did you dress up as? Tell me everything – it is the most magical day of the year, after all!

Doge, Doctor Who, Triforce, Green Lantern, SHIELD